




















深潜及海水淡化基地建设关键材料的制备技术及微生物附着腐蚀界面动力学过程(青岛市科技将才计划, 05-2-JC-76,参加,结题)




高性能大深度浮力材料制备技术研究(2009年山东省科技发展计划项目, 2009GG10003039,参加,结题)




王昕, 黄翔, 陈海燕, 吴平伟. 海洋材料工程. 北京:科学出版社, 20117.

尹衍升, 黄翔, 董丽华. 海洋工程材料学. 北京:科学出版社, 20085.

Qi Zhao, Yang Han, Xiang Huang, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Zhibin Zhu, Li Yue. Hydrothermal synthesis of Ni2P nanoparticle and its hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, (2017) 19:123.

Li Yue, Guangci Li, Feng Zhang, Lei Chen, Xuebing Li, Xiang Huang. Size-dependent activity of unsupported Co-Mo sulfide catalysts forthe hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene, Applied Catalysis A: General, 512 (2016) 85–92.

Baijun Feng, Zhong Wang, Yuanyuan Sun, Chuanhui Zhang, Sifu Tang, Xuebing Li, Xiang Huang. Size controlled ZSM-5 on the structure and performance of Fe catalyst in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. Catalysis Communications, 80 (2016) 2023.

Xiang Huang, Qing Dong, He Huang, Li Yue, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. Facile synthesis of iron phosphide Fe2P nanoparticle and its catalytic performance in thiophene hydrodesulfurization. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, (2014) 16:2785.

Xiang Huang, Jiaojiao Sun, Bo Wang, He Huang. A novel solvothermal route to nanocrystalline Sn4P3 with red phosphorous as raw material. Advanced Materials Research, 2013(704): 241-245.

Bo Wang, Xiang Huang, Zhibin Zhu, He Huang, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of nano nickel phosphides and investigation of their thermal stability. International Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 104(5): 507-510.

Bo Wang, Xiang Huang, Zhibin Zhu, He Huang, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt–nickel bimetallic phosphides. Appl Nanosci, 2012(2): 481–485.

Bo Wang, Xiang Huang, Zhibin Zhu, He Huang, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis method of nickel phosphide nanoparticles. Appl Nanosci, 2012(2): 423-427.

He Huang, Xiang Huang*, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt phosphide nanoparticles. Ceramics International, 2012(38): 1713–1715.

Junlan Xie, Xiang Huang*, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of orthorhombic LiMnO2 nano-particles. Ceramics International, 2011(37): 419-421.

Junlan Xie, Xiang Huang*, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiNixCo1-xO2 cathode materials. Ceramics International, 2011(37): 665-668.

Yi Zheng, Xiang Huang*, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu, Junlan Xie. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiMnxCo1-xO2 cathode materials. Ceramics International, 2011(37): 2913-2916.

Yi Zheng, Xiang Huang*, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiMn0.4Co0.6O2 cathode materials. Ceramics International, 2011(37): 3771-3773.

Junlan Xie, Xiang Huang*, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu, Yi Zheng, Zongyi Liu. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiNi0.9Co0.1O2 cathode materials. Ceramics International, 2010(36): 2489-2492.

Junlan Xie, Xiang Huang*, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. Hydrothermal synthesis of Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 for lithium rechargeable batteries. Ceramics International, 2010(36): 2485-2487.

Zongyi Liu, Xiang Huang*, Zhibin Zhu, Jinhui Dai. A simple mild hydrothermal route for the synthesis of nickel phosphide powders. Ceramics International. 2010(36): 1155-1158.

Chunhua Zhang, Xiang Huang*, Yansheng Yin, Fengjie Xia, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu. Preparation of boron carbide–aluminum composites by non-aqueous gelcasting. Ceramics International, 2009(35): 2255-2259.

Chunhua Zhang, Xiang Huang*, Yansheng Yin, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu. Hydrothermal synthesis of monodispersed LiFePO4 cathode materials in alcohol-water mixed solutions. Ceramics International, 2009(35): 2979-2982.

Xiang Huang, Junfeng Ma*, Pingwei Wu, Yingmo Hu, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu, Haiyan Chen, Hongfen Wang. Hydrothermal synthesis of LiCoPO4 cathode materials for rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2005, 59: 578- 582.

Xiang Huang*, Dongliang Jiang, Shouhong Tan. Apatite Formation on the Surface of Wollastonite/Tricalcium Phosphate Composite Immersed in Simulated Body Fluid. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 2004, 69(1): 70-72.

Xiang Huang*, Dongliang Jiang, Shouhong Tan. Novel hydrothermal synthesis of tobermorite fibers using Ca(II)-EDTA complexprecursor. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2003, 23: 123-126

Xiang Huang*, Dongliang Jiang, Shouhong Tan. Novel hydrothermal synthesis method for tobermorite fibers and inverstigation on their thermal stability. Materials Research Bulletin. 2002, 37: 1885-1892.

Xia Li, Jinhui Dai, Tonglei Lu, Zhibin Zhu, Xiang Huang, Pingwei Wu, Haiyan Li. The Research on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 Powder from TiCl4. Material Sciences, 2012(2): 36-41.

Tonglei Lu, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Wenwen Song, Xizhong Liu, Lin Lai, Huijuan Chu, Xiang Huang, Xiaoyun Liu. Synthesis of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 powders through hydrothermal method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010(490): 232-235.

黄翔*, 王晓鹏, 王同昆, 商庆浩, 张湘汉, 张晓. 氮化铝超微粉的绿色合成. 材料开发与应用, 2014(1): 45-49.

王同昆, 黄翔*, 甄冠胜. 氧化镧掺杂氧化铝的高温物相转变. 材料开发与应用, 2013, 28(3): 88-93.

沈丹阳, 黄翔*, 甄冠胜, 王同昆, 杨黔江, 潘雪红, 甄强. 纳米氧化铝粉体的绿色合成及其物相转变控制研究. 材料开发与应用, 2013, 28(1): 56-61.

黄翔*, 戴金辉, 朱志斌, 吴平伟. 高性能石墨材料注凝成型研究. 材料开发与应用, 2013, 28(1): 67-71.

甄冠胜, 黄翔*, 王同昆. 纳米级氧化铝及掺钡氧化铝的物相转变. 2013, 19(3): 18-22.

夏丰杰, 黄翔*, 尹衍升. 碳化硼陶瓷凝胶注模成型工艺研究. 材料开发与应用, 2008,23(4): 41-46.

夏丰杰, 黄翔*,尹衍升. 碳化硼- 铝复合材料凝胶注模成型工艺研究. 现代技术陶瓷, 2008, 116(2): 3-6.

黄翔, 江东亮, 谭寿洪. 生物活性硅酸钙晶须的赘合剂法水热合成. 无机材料学报, 2003, 18(1): 143-148.

黄翔, 江东亮, 谭寿洪. 托贝莫莱石晶须的螯合剂法水热合成. 陶瓷学报, 2001, 22(3): 138-141.


黄翔, 江东亮, 谭寿洪. 螯合剂法水热制备托贝莫莱石晶须的工艺技术,发明专利,CN01132285.3.

黄翔, 江东亮, 谭寿洪. 生物活性硅灰石陶瓷的制备方法,发明专利,CN02110847.1.

黄翔, 江东亮, 谭寿洪. 硅灰石磷酸三钙复合生物材料的制备方法,发明专利,CN02110848.X.

黄翔, 夏丰杰, 尹衍升. 一种碳化硼制品的非水基注凝成型工艺,发明专利,CN200710113806.1.

黄翔, 夏丰杰, 尹衍升,碳化硼-金属复合材料的凝胶注模成型工艺,发明专利,CN200710113807.6.

黄翔, 刘宗义, 戴金辉, 朱志斌. 一种磷化物的水热合成工艺,发明专利,CN200910018549.2.

黄翔, 甄冠胜. 一种负载型磷化镍催化剂的水热制备方法, 发明专利, CN201310148930.7

黄翔, 甄冠胜. 一种纳米红磷为磷源的负载型磷化镍催化剂的水热制备方法, 发明专利, CN201310149267.2

戴金辉, 黄翔, 刘宗义,王培培. 一种陶瓷材料凝胶注模微波固化工艺.发明专利,CN200910308459

戴金辉, 吴平伟, 黄翔, 朱志斌, 田进涛, 李海燕, 马新蕾, 周金磊. 一种高强度低密度陶瓷空心球及其制备方法, 发明专利, CN201110437012.7