戴金辉 教授 联系方式:Email:daijh@ouc.edu.cn 办公地点:215房间
1 固体浮力材料的制备及应用
2 无机纳米结构的制备及应用
3 纳米功能材料的多机制协调可控制备
2003 清华大学获工学博士学位
1981-2003 齐齐哈尔大学讲师、副教授
1. 自增韧氮化硅及其陶瓷轧辊制备技术(国家863计划)
2. 4500m深海固体浮力材料量化制备技术研究(山东省科技攻关)
3. 高性能大深度浮力材料制备技术研究(山东省科技攻关)
4. 氮化硅陶瓷导热性能研究(山东省自然基金)
5. 防腐耐磨海洋陶瓷泵轮制备技术研究(山东省自然基金)
6. 安全真空玻璃产业化关键技术――无铅低温封接玻璃的制备技术(青岛市科技攻关)
7. 高性能陶瓷构件的注凝成型技术(青岛市科技攻关)
8. 深海浮力材料结构设计及制备技术研究(高校基本科研业务费中国海洋大学专项基金)
1. 《无机非金属材料工学》“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目主编
2. 《无机非金属材料概论》国家十一五规划教材主编
1. Jinhui Dai, Qing Liu, Ling Wang, Pingwei Wu, Xiang Huang, Zhibin Zhu, Jintao Tian, Highly ordered ZnS nanowire arrays embedded in anodic alumina membrane by a hydrothermal method with double diffusion, Materials Letters, 107(2013): 333-336
2. Jinhui Dai, Chao Zhang, Leiyan Shi, Wenwen Song, Pingwei Wu, Xiang Huang, Low-temperature synthesis of ZnNb2O6 powders via hydrothermal method, Ceramics International, 38(2012): 1211-1214
3. Fang Wang, Jinhui Dai, Leiyan Shi, Xiang Huang, Chao Zhang, Xia Li, Ling Wang, Investigation of the melting characteristic, forming regularity and thermal behavior in lead-free V2O5�B2O3�TeO2 low temperature sealing glass, Materials Letters, 67(2012): 196-198
4. Nan Xu, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu, Xiang Huang, Pingwei Wu, Synthesis and characterization of hollow glass�ceramics microspheres, Composites Science and Technology, 72(2012)528-532
5. Ling Wang, Jinhui Dai, Xizhong Liu, Zhibin Zhu, Xiang Huang, Pingwei Wu, Morphology-controlling synthesis of ZnS through a hydrothermal/solvthermal method, Ceramics International, 38(2012)1873-1878
6. Nan Xu, Jinhui Dai, Zhibin Zhu, Xiang Huang, Pingwei Wu, Synthesis and characterization of hollow glass�ceramics microspheres, Ceramics International, 37(2011): 2663-2667
7. Nan Xu, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Xin Ao, Leiyan Shi, Xiang Huang, Zhibin Zhu, Synthesis of hollow glass-ceramics microspheres via template method, Materials Research Bulletin, 46(2011): 92-97
8. Tonglei Lu, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Wenwen Song, Xizhong Liu, Lin Lai, Huijuan Chu, Xiang Huang, Xiaoyun Liu, Synthesis of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 powders through hydrothermal method Original Research Article, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 490(2010): 232-235
9. Jinhui Dai, Xizhong Liu, Huazhang Zhai, Zhongfang Liu, Jintao Tian, Preparation of Ni-coated Si3N4 powders via electroless plating method, Ceramics International, 35(2009): 3407-3410
10. Xiaofei Qu, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Xiang Huang, Zhongfang Liu, Syntheses of Nd2O3 nanowires through sol�gel process assisted with porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 469 (2009): 332�335
11. Tian He, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Zhibin Zhu, Liangzhai Guo, Zhongfang Liu, Xiaofei Qu. Synthesis of Bi0.5(Na0.7K0.2Li0.1)0.5TiO3 Powers through Molten Salt Method, Ceramics International, Ceramics International 34 (2008) 1561�1563
12. Liangzhai Guo, Jinhui Dai, Jintao Tian, Zhibin Zhu, Tian He, Zhongfang Liu, Xiaofei Qu, Zhenlei Shen, Peipei Wang. Effects of ZnCl2 Addition on the ZnNb2O6 Powder Synthesis through Molten Salt Method, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 105(2007):148�150.
13. 周金磊, 戴金辉, 吴平伟, 马新蕾, 徐玉磊, 刘文栋, 环氧树脂基固体浮力材料的制备及性能研究, 材料开发与应用, 2013年02期
14. 马新蕾, 戴金辉, 周金磊, 吴平伟, 朱志斌, 田进涛, 李海艳, 空心微珠对树脂基复合材料成型及性能的影响, 材料科学, 2013年01期