







2018.10-    中国海洋大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授

2017.07-2018.07 新加坡国立大学,工程学院,访问学者

2014.06-2018.10 中北大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师/副教授

2008.09-2014.01 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室,理学博士

2004.09-2008.06 四川大学,高分子科学与工程学院,工学学士


1. 高分子图案化组装

2. 纳米纤维结构设计及功能化应用

3. 海洋高分子材料



1. 国家自然科学基金:嵌段共聚物与纳米棒在薄膜中的共组装行为研究

2. 国家自然科学基金:熵焓控制的嵌段共聚物与纳米立方体的共组装

3. 山西省自然科学基金:各向异性纳米粒子负载的嵌段共聚物薄膜的结构与性能研究

4. 山西省高校科技创新项目:有序纳米粒子阵列在嵌段共聚物模板上的构筑



1. Bai, L.; Jia, L.; Yan, Z. D.; Liu, Z. C.*; Liu, Y. Q., Plasma-assisted fabrication of nanoparticle-decorated electrospun nanofibers. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2018, 82, 360.

2. Bai, L.; Jia, L.; Yan, Z. D.; Liu, Z. C.*; Liu, Y. Q., Plasma-etched electrospun nanofiber membrane as adsorbent for dye removal. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 2018, 132, 445. 被选作封面

3. Bai, L.; Yan, Z. D.; Jia, L.; Liu, Z. C.*; Liu, Y. Q., Morphology evolution of nanorods decorated on electrospun nanofibers and their applications in SERS and catalysis. Materials & Design 2017, 135, 9.

4. Liu, Z. C.; Yan, Z. D.; Jia, L.; Song, P.; Mei, L. Y.; Bai, L.; Liu, Y. Q., Gold nanoparticle decorated electrospun nanofibers: a 3D reproducible and sensitive SERS substrate. Applied Surface Science 2017, 403, 29.

5. Liu, Z. C.; Chang, T. X.; Huang, H. Y.; Bai, L., Cross-linked block copolymer templated assembly of nanoparticle arrays with high density and position selectivity. Applied Surface Science 2016, 384, 400.

6. Liu, Z. C.; Yan, Z. D.; Bai, L., Layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolyte and gold nanoparticle for highly reproducible and stable SERS substrate. Applied Surface Science 2016, 360, 437.

7. Liu, Z. C.; Chang, T. X.; Huang, H. Y.; He, T. B., Engineering hybrid metallic nanostructures using a single domain of block copolymer templates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 25938.

8. Liu, Z. C.; Huang, H. Y.; He, T. B., Block copolymer templated assembly of active Pd nanocube arrays. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2013, 34, 1687.

9. Liu, Z. C.; Huang, H. Y.; He, T. B., Large-area 2D gold nanorod arrays assembled on block copolymer templates. Small 2013, 9, 505. 被选为卷首插画

